Gymnastics Association of Hong Kong, China (GAHK) 中國香港體操總會

The Gymnastics Association of Hong Kong, China (GAHK) was founded on April 1, 2003, formerly known as Hong Kong Amateur Gymnastics Association, which was set up by a group of enthusiastic athletes in 1965. The aim is to promote the development of gymnastics in Hong Kong. At the preliminary stage, our association focused on the development of Artistic Gymnastics. Through our continuous effort and support, we also develop diverse activities of Gymnastics through the years. Nowadays, gymnastics in Hong Kong consists of eight disciplines including Men’s Artistic Gymnastics, Women’s Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Gymnastics For All, Acrobatic Gymnastics, Trampoline,Aerobic Gymnastics and Parkour.


Nurturing elite gymnasts to strive for excellence in major international competitions 培訓優秀體操運動員,於國際賽事爭取佳績

We put much effort on nurturing and assisting gymnasts to achieve good results in international competitions. In the past few years, the Hong Kong Gymnastics Team continued to achieve excellent results in different major events, which was a great encouragement to the Association and all the gymnasts. For instance, Mr. SHEK Wai Hung and Ms WONG Hiu Ying Angel represented Hong Kong in London 2012 Olympic Games and Ms. WONG made a glorious history for Hong Kong as she successfully staged her debut gymnastic movement on the balance beam: salto forward tuck with half turn. It was recognized by the Federation Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) to be named after her (WONG Hiu Ying Angel Mount). Mr. SHEK won a historic gold medal in Men’s Vault with a score 15.216 at the Incheon 2014 Asian Games while Ms. WONG ranked the 7th in Women’s Vault with a score 13.066. Besides, Mr. NG Kiu Chung’s two gymnastics movements on Rings performed during the FIG Artistic Gymnastics World Challenge Cup (Doha) 2014 and Incheon 2014 Asian Games were also recognized by the FIG to be named after him (NG Kiu Chung and NG Kiu Chung 2). In 2015, Mr. SHEK made persistent efforts by winning a gold medal in Men’s Vault and a silver medal in Horizontal Bar at the 6th Senior Artistic Gymnastics Asian Championships. The Hong Kong Gymnastics Team proved ourselves a force to be reckoned with in the region and we will achieve more medal success on the world stage in the future.

近年本會培訓的運動員在各項大型體操賽事中皆取得令人鼓舞的成績。運動員黃曉盈及石偉雄歷史性獲得2012年倫敦奧運的參賽資格,其中黃曉盈於平衡木項目的自創上法更獲國際體操聯盟(FIG)女子競技體操技術委員會正式命名為「Wong Hiu Ying Angel」。於2014年仁川亞運會中,石偉雄更以總分15.216分歷史性取得跳馬金牌,黃曉盈則以總分13.066分取得跳馬第七名。另外吳翹充於2014年多哈世界錦標賽及2014年仁川亞運會中,憑著兩套自創之吊環動作獲國際體操聯盟(FIG)男子競技體操技術委員會正式命名為「Ng Kiu Chung」及「Ng Kiu Chung 2」。2015年石偉雄再接再厲,於日本廣島舉行的「第六屆亞洲競技體操錦標賽」中,勇奪跳馬金牌及單槓銀牌。2018年石偉雄於雅加達亞運會又以總分14.612 分力壓對手,蟬聯跳馬金牌。本會將繼續積極培訓運動員,放眼來年的各項國際大賽,為港爭光。

Organizing large-scale gymnastics events to raise public awareness 舉辦大型國際性活動,讓更多市民認識體操
To popularize gymnastics in Hong Kong and foster citizen participation in gymnastics activities, our Association has organized various gymnastics events, for examples, fun day, demonstration and play-in sessions, training courses and competitions, etc. Organizing mega local events can raise public’s awareness on gymnastics through live performance in Hong Kong, such as the ‘2nd Asian Gymnastics For All Festival 2005’, ‘Li Ning Cup China National Acrobatic Gymnastics Championships 2005’, ‘HKSAR 10th Anniversary Gymnastics Extravaganza 2007’, Danish Gymnastics Team Performance in ‘Hong Kong Gymnastics For All Festival 2008’, ‘The Chinese Gymnastics Team Charity Extravaganza 2010’, the ‘3rd Asian Gymnastics For All Festival’, ‘Henderson Land Cup National Individual Championships of Artistic Gymnastics 2011 in Hong Kong’, ‘Brazil Gymnastics For All Team Performance’ in  2013, ‘Hong Kong Trampoline International Invitation Championships 2015’ and ‘Russia-Hong Kong Youth Exchange Programme 2015’, etc.


Focusing on coaching and judging development 著重教練培訓及裁判發展
The GAHK allocates much resources on coaching and judging development at the same time. Apart from organizing regular local coaches and judges courses, we will also invite overseas experts to co-organize International Judges Course in every Olympic Cycle and organize International Coaching Courses with the cooperation of Federation Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) and Asian Gymnastics Union (AGU), such as the ‘FIG Level One Academy for Men’s and Women’s Artistic Gymnastics’ and ‘AGU Men’s Artistic Gymnastics Common Training Camp’ in 2016.

Under the support of Sports Federation & Olympic Committee (SF&OC), Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) as well as the society, we will continue to work as a team to strive to foster the sustainable development of gymnastics. Besides, we comply with Olympic Charter, International Olympic Committee Code of ethics, the Articles of Association of Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, the code of Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique and the code of Asian Gymnastics Union, Abide by integrity and follow established policies and procedures, properly operate and implement the purpose of the Association.



(852) 2504 8233